Poster session for Thursday 11.04.2024

ThP.1 Xuequan Chen Highly Accurate and Efficient Generalized Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopic Ellipsometry

ThP.2 Zahra Mazaheri Sensing Alcohol Contamination in Water by THz Time Domain Ellipsometry

ThP.3 Fabio Novelli Terahertz spectroscopy of thick and diluted water solutions

ThP.4 Domenico Paparo Polarimetry of Terahertz Pulses from two-color plasma

ThP.5 Yuri Avetisyan Generation of High-Energy Narrowband THz Pulses in Large-Aperture Artificial Periodically Poled Rb:KTP Crystal

ThP.6 Hatice Nur Koyun Optimizing subwavelength metallic gratings for enhanced spintronic terahertz frequency conversion efficiency

ThP.7 Rodrigo Paulino Spatiotemporal walkoff in focused air plasma THz sources

ThP.8 Nicholas North Fast Analysis of THz-QCL Signals Using Array Field Effect Transistor Detection

ThP.9 Mohsen Khalili Microstructured large area photoconductive terahertz emitters driven by a high average power, green femtosecond laser

ThP.10 Jacob Spies Development of a Cryogenic Instrument Tailored for Nonlinear Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopy

ThP.11 Alexander De Los Reyes Development of a Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography System Based on a Backward Terahertz-Wave Parametric Oscillator

ThP.12 Neetesh Dhakar Effect of above and below bandgap excitation on the THz emission from the single crystalline MoS2.

ThP.13 Elnaz Zyaee THz-induced gas alignment in field-enhancing waveguides

ThP.14 Faezeh Zarrin Khat Terahertz Imaging Displays Loading Distribution in NMC811 Battery Cathodes

ThP.15 Nishtha Chopra Optical design principles for diffraction-limited THz spectroscopy and imaging using off-axis parabolic mirrors

ThP.16 Anjana K P Generation of S-polarized Terahertz Radiation From Laser-Plasma Interactions

ThP.17 Elnaz Zyaee Time-resolved THz Stark spectroscopy of molecules in solution

ThP.18 (Enoch) Sin-Hang Ho Data Mining and Predicting the THz Generation Capability of Organic Crystals

ThP.19 Demian Botros Charge carrier decay in optically excited InGaAs:Fe THz antenna materials

ThP.20 Dorothée Mader Towards Imaging and Controlling of Ferroelectric Domains in Barium Titanate Using Mid-Infrared FEL- and Tabletop Sources

ThP.21 xavier ropagnol Probing Carrier Dynamics in semiconductors: Emission Spectroscopy Analysis of THz-PCAs Driven by the Second harmonic of an Yb Oscillator Laser

ThP.22 Atsushi Nakanishi Terahertz imaging with a widely tunable nonlinear quantum cascade laser

ThP.23 János Hebling Advantages of Tilted Pulse Front Pumping of Organic Crystals

ThP.24 Jakob Holstein A comparative study on the measurement of the noise-equivalent power (NEP) of resonant TeraFETs via a blackbody radiator or a CW photomixer emitter

ThP.25 Waldemar Swiderski Terahertz radiation in non-destructive testing of bulletproof vests

ThP.26 Yangfan Gu Semiconductor THz Emitting Nanometasurface (STEN)

ThP.27 Bernardo Mendoza THz radiation of jerk photocurrent

ThP.28 Karel Peetermans Methods for high-repetition THz production at XFEL

ThP.29 Jasper de Graaf Design of a fully integrated CW-THz spectrometer

ThP.30 Gabriel Tempea 80-Watt, 2 mJ 10-fold Pulse Compression to 34 fs with 90%

ThP.31 Koichi Tamura Novel THz Detection Mechanism Based on Three-Dimensional Rectification Utilizing Epitaxial Graphene Channel Field Effect Transistor

ThP.32 Yuma Takida High-efficiency dichroic beam splitter for backward terahertz-wave parametric oscillator

ThP.33 Michael Nagel Sparse-deconvolution-based THz near-field microprobe tomography for resolution-demanding non-destructive testing applications

ThP.34 Ashutosh Sharma Linearity of a Fast and Sensitive LiTaO3 Pyroelectric Detector

ThP.35 Gyorgy Toth CO2-laser pumped highly efficient single- and multicycle THz sources

ThP.36 Elodie Iglesis Optical pump induced carrier dynamics in InSb:Probing the plasma frequency evolution

ThP.37 Mayuri Kashyap Placement Bias in Terahertz Image Analysis: Implications for Computer Vision-aided Concealed Object Identification

ThP.38 Fulvia Gennari Terahertz imaging for the detection of cimiciato-infected hazelnuts.

ThP.39 Dmytro Kamenskyi Monochromatic THz emission by optically excited lattice vibrations in KRe(MoO4)2

ThP.40 Tobias Olaf Buchmann THz-Spectroscopy using a THz Photomultiplier Tube

ThP.41 David Citrin Delamination Characterization of GFRP Laminate by Terahertz Time-of-Flight Tomography

ThP.42 Abhishek Gupta Broadband GaP Contact Grating Terahertz Source Pumped at 3.9 µm

ThP.43 David Citrin Sparse Stratigraphic Reconstruction of Paper Stacks Using Terahertz Time-of-Flight Tomography

ThP.44 David Citrin Terahertz Nondestructive Evaluation of Conformal Coatings on Microelectronic Circuitry

ThP.45 Abhishek Gupta Two-Photon Absorption of Organic Crystals BNA, NMBA, and MNA

ThP.46 Alkisti Vaitsi Rotating spintronic terahertz emitter for high-power and field-driven applications at MHz repetition rates

ThP.47 Nisamol Abdul Nazer Optical THz Filters for Bunch Compression Monitors

ThP.48 Gergő Krizsán Scalable, Imaging-free Terahertz Sources Utilizing Volume Phase Holographic Grating

ThP.49 Markus Stein Coherent Control of Photocurrents in Bulk Germanium for Gapless and Broadband Terahertz Emission

ThP.50 Filip Klimovič Linear THz Response of a Confined Exciton

ThP.51 Lei Gao Tailoring Polaron Dimensions in Lead-Tin Hybrid Perovskites

ThP.52 Jaime Calvo-Gallego The terajet effect as a new tool to improve the terahertz imaging resolution

ThP.53 Alexandra Khabbaz THz Comb analysis with a subharmonic mixer

ThP.54 Steven Jamison Tilted Pulse-front Phase Matching in Three Dimensions.

ThP.55 Tomas Ostatnicky Theoretical analysis of THz-SNOM spectroscopy of nanostructures

ThP.56 Dook van Mechelen Physics-assisted machine learning for THz spectroscopy: sensing moisture on plant leaves

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