Terahertz Phase-Randomizing Absorber by metal-coated Spirulina microcoils

Dr. Chiko Otani1,2, Prof. Tomokazu Iyoda3,1, Mr. Naoya Kurahashi4, Dr. Gouki Satoh5, Mr. Yuji Kobori5, Mr. Masahiro Koide5, Mr. Toshichika Ohki5
1RIKEN, Sendai, Japan. 2Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan. 3Doshisha University, Kyotanabe, Japan. 4KPTC, Kyoto, Japan. 5PANAC Co. Ltd., Tokyo, Japan


In this presentation, we report on the phase-randomizing functionality of a new absorber (microcoil absorber) consisting of metal-plated microcoils of spiral alga Spirulina dispersed in a low-reflective-index material. We fabricated samples of the absorber in which microcoils dispersed in a polystyrene foam and measured the temporal waveforms of the normal reflection by terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THzTDS). Then, it was confirmed that the reflected waveform consisted of many small pulses and that the phase of the reflected waveform was randomized.